Stay fraud and scam safe

Never download software, apps which allow someone to control your computer. If so, don’t login – it’s a known scam used by fraudsters.

Don’t approve payments in apps that you haven’t made, or approve any refunds you’re unsure about. Never read out text codes over the phone. Never read out card reader codes over the phone. Watch out for investment opportunities that promise big returns for little work – they could be a scam.

Keep away from Undial/Hawala/Hundi transactions. Terrorists, illicit drug traffickers, money launderers use these transaction methods. Most countries have banned them as criminal operations. You can lose your identity and personal data to syndicates for their own illegal transactions and you may end up becoming blacklisted.

Do not expose your bank account or credit cards for online payments. Use high secure financial servicing organizations, backed with best end-to-end encryption methods for online payments. Cancel recurring payments.

Have you received a phone call pretending to be a financial organization; asking you to move your money to a safe account, download something on your computer, or verify your bank account with security details? These are SCAMS.

Fraudsters are capitalizing on the growing excitement around cryptocurrency, by asking you to move money and offering fake investments. Keep away.

If you’re starting university or a new job, you could be targeted by criminals asking you to move money for them. Students are often approached to act in this way as a ‘money mule’ as they might be strapped for cash. Don’t be tempted.

Criminals are sending fake text messages and emails claiming to be from a delivery company. They say they tried to deliver a parcel to you and ask you to click on a link to find out more or rearrange delivery. Don’t click on any links or give any information, especially personal or financial details.